This incident happened on Sept. 21/03. Kayela knew he had a past history of this on other children.
She did not report it until Sept. 23/03 to police and to us. Even after this happened, Brian was not questioned, nor
arrested. Prosecutor sat on it until late 2005 and then dismissed it.
Janna Clark is Brian's mother. Janna was head of the children's division in Randolph Co. Missouri
at that time. She KNEW her son was residing with them. We brought it to her attention prior to the sexual abuse,
not realizing Brian was her son. Janna stated to us at that time if we pursued this on Kayela, she would see to it we
would go to jail and that we were too emotionally involved. She said NOTHING about him being her son. We had told
her the children were scared of him because he acted toward them in a sexual manner.
And she is a director of a children's services department? She is STILL with DSS in Missouri,
just a different office. I guess when you are DSS you can get away with anything. Apparently.