Enigmas Matrix

DSS Report September 2003. Sexual predators found in Kayela's home.

Fax from court july 21/06
Grand Jury: Ron is not guilty of kidnapping July 05
Social Worker, Katie Voegle's letter on our behalf.
Chelsea's letter to us
unfounded abuse letter on me
Guardian Ad Litem's Recommendation of placement of children 2006
DSS report says sexual perps in Kayela's home. Sept 03
Brandon's untreated ringworm 2003
Court Order On Custody 03
Matt Holt letter to Smiser, not paying Smiser to do his job!
Brandon 04 missed school days
Internal E mails, very interesting!
Jason Lene Probable Cause Statement and Judge Lewis Involvement in Ron's arrest July 05
Mary Clark lies to court in writing 2005
Sept. 17/03 DSS narratives
Official People On The Case
Amanda Kroner Letter May 13 / 04
removal petition brandon 04
Sexual maltreatment 2006
Sexual abuse 2003
Founded neglect 2004
About Me
Our Plight
Contact Me
Chelsea's feet : Foot Rot 2005
School Counselor Francine Nichols Notations on Brandon
Modification Order 06

DSS went to Kayela's home and found Brian there along with another sexual predator, name not mentioned.  This was PRIOR to Brandon being sexually abused by Brian.  DSS knew and did nothing and ignored our pleas and those of the children, yet they say they did their job?


We had been telling DSS that the kids did not like Brian because he looked at them in a sexual manner, yet they ignored it.  This report was just a few days prior to the sexual abuse of Brandon by Brian.


1. Notice how the school held a meeting to see what info they could give to Ron?  He is their father and his rights are not terminated, yet they tried to push him out of everything. 
2. Notice how the worker asked why Kayela was not there but said nothing about why Ron was not there? We didn't even know about the meeting until we got this report.
3. Notice how Janna Clark says she is trying to stay out of this case?  She is Brian's mother!
4. The step grand parents they mention is Billy's parents, Buck and Barb Vittetoe.  This is the house the police were at that was so filthy yet the police left the children in it and same house that Missi Whisenand said was clean! 



The school says I called them and told them Brandon was not going to be in school.  I never made that call.  I don't know who did, but it wasn't me.  We were to be there at 10am and we were there early, Kayela never showed and Ron went at 11am and they were all still in bed. He had to get them up to get them to go to the police station. Then the police officer, Detective Arnsperger did not even talk to Ron, in fact he was rude to Ron.  I don't know the point of us being there if they were not going to talk to him but Kayela said we were supposed to be there.

Never give up hope.